Who we are

A decade ago, Dan Clark and his team of innovators changed the industry with Kuebix TMS. Much has evolved since then, and the need for a single connected platform has reunited the team to realize their vision: connecting brokers, shippers and carriers to optimize rating, integrations and freight management. Introducing G2Mint, a second-generation (G2) solution that is fresh and modern (Mint) and will transform the industry!

Today’s industry problems

The transportation industry is disconnected, and most current systems weren’t designed to handle today’s needs. The demand for real-time rating, integrations and freight management has become a financial burden that hinders brokers, shippers and carriers from competing effectively. Traditional, monolithic systems are difficult and costly to onboard, lacking the core functionality and flexibility needed to manage today’s TRIP (Transportation, Rating, Integrations and Partnerships). The industry needs a better solution to manage transportation and rating, one that provides seamless integrations to augment core capabilities with industry specific plug-ins.

Our solution

G2Mint is a modern application that can manage transportation for the simplest to most complex supply-chains. Our modular architecture makes it simple for brokers, shippers and carriers to onboard and connect to Miles, an AI-enabled Rate Engine with Integration connectors and the industry’s most intuitive TMS. Miles was created with an easy to use app to simplify transportation by managing all or segments of your TRIP.

It’s time to grow your revenue and reduce your costs with G2Mint. Our next generation technology has allowed us to create a new version of a TMS, Transportation Management Simplified.

  • Stand-alone Rating Solution: Connect to Miles’ rate engine to configure, calculate, and manage freight, commissions, and compliance. With API connectors, carriers’ cost rates are aggregated to deliver real-time customer quotes.

  • Integrated TMS: Miles provides core functionality and preconfigured plug-ins for efficient transportation management. Easily consolidate orders, optimize modes, and handle freight from build to settle.

  • Community Sourcing Automation: The G2Mint community enables brokers, shippers, and carriers to systematically automate sourcing, find partners, convert spot quotes to contracts, and expand carrier capacity.

Where we are going

G2Mint is on a mission to revolutionize the future of digital transportation. We envision a single connected platform where brokers, shippers, and carriers can work together to optimize their TRIP. When all stakeholders are connected, AI can optimize the data to automate ordering, building, sourcing, and settlement processes.

G2Mint’s modular applications, frictionless integrations, and modern platform will be the connection point for all other systems and platforms, optimizing the otherwise fragmented global freight network.

Ready to Simplify your TRIP?

Learn how we can help you increase revenue and lower costs by simplifying the management of your Transportation, Rating, Integrations and Partnerships. Book a Demo today!