Experience the Evolution of Rating

Get the industry’s most reliable and efficient rating solution with Miles. Easily configure, calculate, and manage your freight, commissions, and compliance violations by connecting to Miles as a stand-alone rate engine or through our fully integrated TMS. With Miles’ API connectors, you can quickly aggregate your carriers’ rates, compare options, and provide real-time quotes to your customers.

Compare rates across modes

Miles is mode agnostic and compares rates across multiple modes with a single entry. Miles makes it simple to select the most optimal mode, rate and service for every shipment

Build agreements with AI

With Miles it’s easy to configure and manage not only freight rate plans but any logistics agreement. AI removes the complexities and saves time by simply messaging Miles what you want.

What can our Rate Engine Do?

Ready to Simplify your TRIP?

Learn how we can help you increase revenue and lower costs by simplifying the management of your Transportation, Rating, Integrations and Partnerships. Book a Demo today!